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Hearing Aid Rental

Program FAQ's

  • How much more does it cost if I rent vs buy over 36 months?
    $300 more over the length of the contract. *** plus a one-time activation fee of $125 (per client).
  • What happens if I decide to opt-out before the end of the contract?
    This is a 36 month contract, patients are responsible for 36 monthly payments (Non-negotiable).
  • Can I buy the hearing aid at the end of 36 months?
    There is no option to purchase the rented devices. This is strictly a rental program.
  • What happens if I’m not happy with my device after 90 day’s?
    Hearing aids must be returned to your clinic as per your 90 day trial, monthly payments disbursed to date will be reimbursed on your credit card. The activation fee of $125 is non-reimbursable.
  • What happens if I die? What happens to my monthly payments?
    The patient’s estate is responsible to pay the remaining payments on the 36 month contract and hearing aids will be returned to your clinic.
  • What do you do with the hearing aids after 36 months?
    HAR will refurbish all hearing aids and send them to third world countries via recognized well established charitable foundations/NGO’s – This truly completes the life of the hearing aids in such and a meaningful way.
  • Can I use my private insurance to offset the monthly cost?
    Several insurance(s) have allowed clients to submit their monthly rental costs for reimbursement. However, every insurance company is set-up differently when it comes to their plans to offset costs. Please let HAR know if the insurance company is not identified on the master list that will be provided shortly to all our partners.
  • Can I upgrade technology during my 36 month agreement?
    Yes, if your patients are prepared to pay-out the remaining payments on their contracts. HAR is prepared to open a new 36 month contract with balloon payments to reflect the additional cost for upgraded technology.
  • Is there anybody else renting hearing aids in this market?
    HAR is proud to be first one to offer this great new program and prides themselves on being a program designed by an audiologist who truly understands the needs of patients and hearing professionals. There surely will be other smaller companies offering this program as we gain traction across the country.
  • Can I put down money to reduce monthly payments?
    No, enjoy your money or keep it in your bank account, given the nature of payments via credit cards (For added security for everybody involved), this is not possible.
  • How does HAR work with free trials?
    HAR will support a reasonable free trial period established by your clinic. • 36 Month contracts will commence as soon as the free trial period is complete.
  • Who owns
    HAR was created by two best friends living in New Brunswick who believe in always finding new and innovative ways to help people live better and more active lives. Founder: Denis LeBlanc – Audiologist and Entrepreneur and Co-Founder: Julien LeBlanc – Entrepreneur.


Charlottetown • 130 Longworth Ave

Summerside • 500 Granville St - Unit 3

Montague • 500 Main St


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